At C TWO, understanding our customers and driving loyalty is key to our success.

We’re humbled to report our outstanding Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 66, with an impressive 71% of respondents being promoters.

“The goal of any customer experience program is to listen, learn, and take action to improve. We like NPS as a metric because it’s a leading indicator of customer loyalty.

Adrian Golding, VP Customer Success, C TWO

This being the first time we’ve done NPS, we’re delighted by the number of customers saying they would recommend C TWO to other automationists, and we’ve taken some learnings to drive further improvements across our business—a really great program all around!”

What is NPS?

Net Promoter Score, or NPS, is a metric used to gauge customer loyalty. It measures the likelihood of customers recommending our product to others, and is based on a simple question: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or colleague?”

Scores can range from -100 to +100, and the higher the score, the more positive the sentiment. The Software as a Service industry has an average NPS score of 31. Take that as a benchmark: a score of 50 for a SaaS company would be considered quite good.1

The Power of Our NPS Score: 66

Our NPS score of 66 speaks volumes about how our customers feel about C TWO and our Intelligent Automation Management Platform. This score falls within the range of “excellent,” demonstrating that most of our customers are not just satisfied, but they are strong advocates of ours.

As if the score wasn’t enough, we were humbled by so many positive comments left by C TWO users. Here are a few that made us exceptionally proud:

“[C TWO] makes RPA bots much more efficient, improves scheduling and the C TWO Team is super-fast responsive and solves issues in record time.”

“C TWO has allowed us to shift from watching the control room to doing more value-added work.”

“The platform dramatically improves our BP license utilization and SLA adherence, but also improves the job quality for our support team. Really happy with C TWO!”

How We Achieved a 66 NPS Score

Exceptional Customer Support: We’ve made significant improvements to our customer service framework to provide better support in a time of need but to also help customers fully utilize the platform to receive the greatest value.

“Robyn Singlehurst, our relationship manager is attentive, provides feedback extremely quickly and endeavors to resolve any product issue we face quickly.” – C TWO Promoter

Continuous Product Improvement: We listen to customer feedback and use it to make our product better. We have increased our product release cycles to deliver improvements faster for better user experiences.

“Excellent software. Short bugfix and update/release times.” – C TWO Promoter

Building Relationships: We approach customer relationships with the goal of building long-term partnerships, rather than being just another technology vendor. By fostering strong relationships and creating open lines of communication, we drive real business change and improve both the platform and our company.

“We had a great experience implementing C TWO and with help from the CSM (Customer Success Manager) we have had great assistance all the way. We can now spend our time on building new automations for the business delivering value. The business partners have access to C TWO Dashboards with insights and can start automations with manual triggers on demand. This has resolved some of the “black box” feeling from the business end so they can monitor and start their business processes.” – C TWO Promoter

Our impressive NPS score of 66, with 71% promoters, reflects our dedication to delivering an exceptional platform to simplify automation management. NPS is more than just a metric; it’s a powerful tool that helps us understand our customers, drive growth, and build lasting relationships.