Sparebanken Sør image

“As business requirements shift, we can change SLAs on the fly — without affecting operations or our processes”

Petter Skare, Falkum Project Manager Robotics, Sparebanken Sør

C TWO's dynamic orchestration tool handles all process prioritization and scheduling based on customer requirements or SLAs

Sparebanken Sør operates in a highly competitive banking market in Norway and are actively seeking competitive advantage by offering digital solutions. RPA was in many ways the start of their digital journey. Although the bank may experience lower volumes than their larger competitors, the number of business-critical processes is the same. As such, orchestration is complex and operations are vulnerable to incidents.

Sparebanken Sør turned to C TWO to orchestrate more than 20 processes per digital worker without any manual scheduling. C TWO handles all prioritization and orchestration based on customer requirements or SLA’s. The flexible orchestration and event handling has solved their human resource challenge and increased robot utilization. As a result, they are now scaling their automations at a much higher rate.

Pain Points

Without constant monitoring, robots were experiencing unacceptable levels of disruption which significantly degraded customer service levels. Teams were spending too much time monitoring and handling interruptions rather than focusing on needed automation expansion.


C TWO’s dynamic orchestration tool handles all process prioritization and scheduling based on customer requirements or SLAs.


Sparebanken Sør operates in a highly competitive banking market in Norway and are actively seeking competitive advantage by offering digital solutions. RPA was in many ways the start of their digital journey.

Industry: Financial services

Reduced manual monitoring and operational efforts
Operational efficiency – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Increase in robot utilization