Last week we embarked on an epic journey to the land of fjords, mountains, and midnight sun – Voss, Norway.

But this wasn’t your typical corporate gathering; it was an all-hands meeting like no other.

The Norwegian mountains were the perfect backdrop to inspire and energize our team who came from more than 10 different countries. Thankfully there are more than 20 hours of daylight in Voss because we were sure to pack it all in—team building, problem-solving, adventuring, collaborating and dancing!

The C TWO team at the cider farm

As our CEO, Erik Lien, said, “The whole point of a company offsite is to have fun and form friendships. Because happier teams build better businesses. I’d say it certainly was mission accomplished”


Here are a few highlights from the trip:

The Quirky Barracks

Forget boring conference rooms; we set up shop in an old military camp which was the perfect setting for us to unleash our creative spirits and remain fully engaged throughout the week.

Nordics vs Rest of the World
The BBQ team ready to go

Breaking down silos

Our days kicked off with morning meetings and small group sessions. We gathered across the camp to share team insights and brainstorm ways to collaborate across teams more effectively.

On our last day, we put the new relationships to the test with a C TWO cardboard car building competition. What started out as a formula C TWO race turned into a demolition derby for some teams. Regardless the main objective of collaborating with team members we don’t typically work with on a day-to-day basis and having fun along the way was accomplished!

In the pits, ready to go…
3,2,1 and we’re off

Choose Your Own Adventure

Afternoons were where the real magic happened. We had a great mixture of activities to choose from that helped us deepen our connections and experience Norwegian culture.

We sipped cider and tasted local cuisine at a family-owned farm by a stunning fjord.

Where the magic happens

A few brave swimmers took a “refreshing” dip in the 8°C river.

Chilly, not a bit

Some adrenaline junkies saw things from a new perspective while indoor skydiving.

Look at me, I’m flying

While others had a bird’s eye view from the high ropes course.

What a lovely place to hang around

We tackled challenges head-on while white water rafting class 3 rapids.

The storm
The calm

And it wouldn’t be a trip to Norway without climbing a mountain!

Are we there yet?

One of our colleagues summed it up best:

“Best holiday with friends that I can remember for a long time and apparently it was ‘work’. Great event and an even better team.”

We’re already looking forward to the next time we can all be together again. Until then, we’ll continue basking in the memories of our Norwegian “work-cation” — Skål!

Like the look of what you see and want to join the fantastic C TWO team. Check out our careers page for job openings.