At a recent Intelligent Automation Exchange in London, participants ranked their top three challenges with Robotic Process Automation (RPA) as Total Cost of Ownership, Scalability Issues, and Processes Failing.

1. Total Cost of Ownership:
The initial allure of RPA’s cost-effectiveness can be overshadowed by the cumulative expenses involved in implementation, maintenance, and scaling. Organizations often underestimate the true cost of ownership, focusing only on the costs required to get a program off the ground. But costs extend well beyond implementation and can account for up to 80% of TCO.

2. Scalability Issues:
There’s a marked difference between growing and scaling. A lot of automation programs grow at a steady ratio of resources to processes. This drives down the value of automation and makes future business cases less effective. Only organizations that can increase their automation output without equally increasing the required resources to maintain processes have successfully achieved scale.
3. Processes Failing:
RPA is meant to simplify work and eliminate mundane processes. Unfortunately, there are many routine issues that can cause a process to fail. These failures directly impact productivity and erode confidence in RPA systems.
Here’s what that looks like:

And the list of challenges doesn’t end there…
- Never-ending Scheduling & Reprioritizing
- Missed SLAs
- Constant Monitoring
- Low License Utilization
- 24/7 Team Coverage
- Lack of Transparency
- Incomplete Reporting
- Unplanned Downtime
The ramifications extend beyond operational hurdles. Failure to overcome them leads to:
Poor customer experience and reduced satisfaction due to inefficiencies and errors in automated processes.
Increased business risk, compliance breaches, and compromised data security, hampering business continuity and resilience.
Stalled optimization efforts and unattainable scalability, hindering the organization’s growth potential.
It’s time you put your RPA on the fast track with C TWO
Our AI powered orchestration platform makes your automation estate resilient and effective.
AI Orchestration continuously monitors bots and reprioritizes work to ensure SLAs are met on time, every time.
Automated Operations automatically detects and resolves 90% of routine L0 & L1 failures. If an issue requires attention, your team gets notified immediately.
Bonus: When it’s time to tell a story with data—you can report on facts, not feelings.