Say goodbye to manual scheduling, monitoring and repairing with C TWO’s AI-powered orchestration platform.

RPA is taking over mundane tasks at a rapid pace. But a lot of intelligent automation programs fall short because they aren’t scalable and require too many resources to be effective.

What if there was a way to eliminate all the manual effort involved in keeping bots running? The COE wouldn’t have to…

… figure out exactly when a process needs to run.

… spend half a day reprioritizing the entire schedule when something breaks.

… be glued to control rooms 24/7, watching and waiting to repair the most basic failures.

Ready for the good news? You can finally say goodbye to manual scheduling, monitoring and repairing with C TWO’s AI-powered orchestration platform.

Recently, our team of experts joined Anders Jensen live on his YouTube channel to discuss the limitations of static scheduling and manual oversight, and showed IA product owners how they can take back control of their days by automating their automation management.

Keep reading for highlights from the discussion and to learn how C TWO can make your life easier.

The Challenge: Manual Oversight and Inefficiency

Many companies structure their processes like a game of Tetris, fitting tasks into a rigid framework — leaving gaps to allow for errors. When a process overruns, it can derail the rest of the schedule. And when a process finishes early, the bot sits idle waiting for the next bit of work.

Some platforms or managed services providers are quite good at playing Tetris. They can help reduce the gaps in schedules, but they are limited in how and when processes run. Not to mention, they’re still relying on humans to detect failures and take action.

The Solution: Automated dynamic process orchestration and always-on monitoring
The C TWO platform ensures work gets done on time, every time. Here’s how:

Intelligent Orchestration

C TWO prioritizes processes based on SLAs, ensuring successful business outcomes. Onboarding processes is a breeze with customizable SLAs, working times, and resource groups.

  • SLA Customization: Define when processes should start or be completed, tailored to your business needs.
  • Working Time Flexibility: Set when processes are allowed to run, accommodating your preferences.
  • Resource Groups: Ensure the right robot and resource handles the right process.
  • Multiple Triggers: Initiate work with triggers such as queues, file appearances, sequences, time intervals, and even manual processes for human interaction.

This information creates a priority status for each process. C TWO handles the rest—continuously monitoring processes and dynamically orchestrating work.

Automated Operations

Even in an ideal world, things can go awry. Bots can break, systems can fail, and productivity can be derailed. C TWO proactively monitors the status of every process and checks for failure warning signs.

  • Resource Allocation: If an SLA is at risk, C TWO allocates additional resources to meet critical deadlines.
  • Issue Resolution: The platform identifies and resolves issues like session freezes or interruptions.
  • Loop Resolution: In case a robot gets stuck in a loop, C TWO offers termination roles and reallocates resources to maintain high utilization.

With C TWO, automation just works, making bots more effective and your life easier.

Insight & Analytics

Lastly, but certainly not least, our customers love having data they can defend. C TWO provides access to a library of reports that are completely customizable to your needs.

  • Permissions: Set up permissions to ensure data access is secure.
  • Library of Reports: Access a range of standardized reports for quick insights.
  • Complete Customization: Tailor reports to stakeholders’ specific interests.

At C TWO, we know intelligent automation isn’t easy. But managing it should be—we C TWO it! Get in touch to find out more.